Fire Curtains for your Business

What are fire curtains?


Fire curtains are sheets of fire-resistant material that can be drawn over entrances and other access points to delay or prevent fire damage. Fire curtains work by obstructing flames and smoke, giving occupants the ability to contain fires in a room, seal off rooms, and evacuate with more time.


What are the benefits of fire curtains?


Fire curtains are highly cost-effective and are a flexible solution with a number of practical benefits, for example they are


  • Visually inconspicuous
  • Protect against fire and smoke
  • Extend building evacuation time
  • Can reduce loss of life/property damage by giving the emergency services time to respond
  • Versatile
  • Can be customised to suit your needs.


Here at Sheridan Doors, our fire curtains can be configured to suit any part of your business and they automatically deploy in the event of a fire, helping to save lives by providing vital extra minutes while a building is evacuated and emergency services arrive. A range of Fire Curtains are available to meet different certification requirements. We strive to provide our clients with an exceptional service, our expert engineers work closely with you to provide the most suitable solution to your property’s needs. If you feel your business may benefit from the installation of fire curtains then give us a call today on 0161 2036299.